In the interest of timeliness, I am announcing the formation of an LLC (that's Limited Liability Company for those of you in Rush Limbaugh's "Rio Linda" ; ) here on my blog having to do with web developments.
Just like land developers (sort of), web developers take it upon themselves to "develop" the digital landscape-- taking raw, uncoded territory and wreaking unlimited creativity on the otherwise barren wilderness on your (and my) screen.
I am purposely hinting at the strong probability that my company, which shall remain nameless until its official announcement comes through pending payment for services rendered by the appropriate periodical, shall be web-based.
I can say, however, that it will involve copy writing (not copyrighting), web site building ("authoring"), and so on. I trust the right projects will be provided by a sovereign God in due time. That would be my prayer.
Nice job, Hemingway! Your ego is too big for the Internet. Maybe you should think about renting a warehouse for your big head!!!